mobile databases, mobile forms, and mobile synchronization … where you need to work
Providing Pocket Access, Mobile Database, Windows CE Database, and Windows CE Development Solutions



As seen in...

Alex Mandel | 1 Sep 20:06 Visual CE Sandbox

Based on some problems Doug was having with Visual CE yesterday I made a small 2 table/2 form demo of how to jump between a parent and child and pass vaules. This sample is available from a new repository I've created on my subversion server.

How to access it:

  1. Download and install the subversion client for windows - I use
  2. Reboot
  3. Email me for the local network URL and so I can add permission for your account to access it.
  4. Create a folder on your machine where you like: Mine is called "Sandbox" and is in my development area of my computer.
  5. Right click on the new folder and click "SVN Checkout"
  6. Paste the URL into the "URL of repository" box and click the OK button

You now have a local copy of the repository, have fun. For more information on how to use the system see the help file of tortoise(acces through right click menu or start menu) and the Subversion book online

Good luck and let me know how it goes,